Zion Oil Prayer Site

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Psalm 122:6

Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.
Psalm 4:1

Please express your prayer request in the “comment section” below and pray for those who have already requested prayer (you may also send private prayers directly by clicking HERE):

Responses (1,753)

  1. Richard (Pete) Bru
    June 20, 2024 at 7:44 am · Reply

    Father we Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! We Pray for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Give Him Wisdom in all his decision making.We Thank You Lord, according to your Word, that no weapon formed against him, his Family, or the Nation of Israel will prosper. Isa 54:17 We Prayer for Zion Oil! We Thank You for the Blessing of the Oil and Gas bursting forth in Abundance as directed by You through the Miracle of the forming of this company. We Pray for Zion Oil, it’s leaders, staff and workers, and all it’s operations, keep them all safe, Protected by Your mighty Angel’s, through Your Mighty Hand! Help them Divinely! Do it Lord! Do It, in Jesus Name!

  2. Crystal Payne
    June 19, 2024 at 7:26 am · Reply

    Lauren G. Could you contact me directly for a prayer request please.

    Lauren, if you still assist with this prayer board, please give me a call. Thank you!

    • Lauren
      June 20, 2024 at 8:55 am · Reply

      I do! I’ll text you right now

  3. Scott Hutton
    June 18, 2024 at 6:16 pm · Reply

    Dear Lord God, I pray for your sovereign sword of protection over Israel and Zion Oil during these troublesome times! That Israel’s IDF strength and wisdom will be as King David’s mighty men in battle with victory! And for God’s will in finding needed oil for the nation of Israel through Zion Oil, as the many nation’s of the world are formed against it! In Jesus Name and to His glory, I pray!

    Psalm 20:7 “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. 8 They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.”

  4. Cheryl Stalinsky
    June 18, 2024 at 12:11 pm · Reply

    Father God, in Jesus’ name, I come to you on behalf of the nation of Israel and Zion Oil Gas. I thank you Father,according to your Word you said “no weapon formed against us shall prosper”, I will repay (redeem( the years the locusts, canker worm, caterpillar and palmer worm have stolen. Thank you, Father that ever curse spoken against Israel and Zion Oil & Gas is bound in Jesus’ name! We praise you and thank you for your divine protection for the apple of your eye. We pray all these thing in the powerful, precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord!

  5. Daniel
    June 18, 2024 at 11:11 am · Reply

    ammeenn !

  6. James
    June 18, 2024 at 9:35 am · Reply

    I pray for the protection for the workers and staff of zion oil and that they are filled with wisdom and guidance from God. I pray that my family will continue to be blessed and that I have the wisdom and knowledge of how to keep the wealth I receive and grow it 100 fold to give back to the Kingdom of God and to bless and be a blessing to others. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel and that the land and people are blessed and protected.

  7. Mrs. Frazier
    June 18, 2024 at 8:27 am · Reply

    Heavenly Father,

    With reverence and urgency, we bring before You the nation of Israel, a land steeped in history and promise, a beacon of faith for so many. We humbly ask for Your divine protection over this sacred soil and its resilient people. Guard its borders, O Lord, and shield it from threats that loom near and far. Let Your mighty presence be a fortress around its cities, its towns, and its countryside. In times of challenge and strife, be their unwavering stronghold; in moments of uncertainty, be their guiding light.

    Cover Israel with Your protective wing, O Lord. Shield its cities from missiles, its neighborhoods from harm, and its borders from infiltration. Protect both soldier and civilian, young and old, native and sojourner, as they face the perils of war.


  8. Carol Gregory
    June 18, 2024 at 4:17 am · Reply

    Father, You call us to pray for the peace of Israel. so we ask that the war with Hamas end. Take care of all the wounded and the families who have lost so much during this conflict. Go before and behind the Israel’s army and the IDF. As You have in the past defeat evil. Bless and protect Zion and all it’s workers. Have mercy on all for You say that you take no pleasure on the death of a wicked man.
    Let Your wonderful presence and peace be felt by all involved. Thank You in advance. In Jesus’ Name Amen.

  9. Nancy McComb
    June 18, 2024 at 12:18 am · Reply

    Prayer Request:

    We have been praying for NANCY, my husband’s mom, to commit her life to Jesus for over 30 years. She does not know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior; and in fact, she is very involved in pagan practices and spirit worship. We long to see her come to know God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – the one true God, Creator of heaven and earth, and all people, desiring a relationship with each of us. Open her eyes Lord! Draw her heart, mind, soul, and strength to love you in response to your sacrifice on the cross to pay for her sins. Redeem her and revive her in your eternal life abundantly. Destroy the works of the Devil in her false beliefs and idolatrous practices. Make her an instrument of your peace and a witness of John 14:6 to all whom she has falsely taught the opposite of this to this point. Let her lips speak TRUTH to your honor and glory! May the love of Christ compel her to conviction and repentance and revival!

  10. Ruth Hogue
    June 17, 2024 at 8:36 pm · Reply

    Prayer for Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 Zion’s Prayer Meeting

    Dear Father,
    You alone are worthy. We worship you, Almighty God, our King of Kings, Jesus Messiah, our Savior and Blessed Redeemer. Jesus, we praise Your Holy Name, there is none other like You!!
    We lift up Israel to You, Father. Keep Israel as the apple of Your eye; hide Israel in the shadow of Your wings. L0RD, we pray for protection, over the Founder, Staff, Crew of Zion Oil & Gas, Israeli Government agencies and contractors involved with the successful operations, from the wicked who seek to harm Zion. Please cover Israel with the hedge protection of your Mighty and Powerful Blood from the deadly enemies who surround this great Nation of Yours.
    I pray for all of the faithful investors and their families, that You LORD, will provide for their needs while we wait for You to step into action to do a mighty miracle/move to release an outpouring of the hidden treasure of oil that is buried beneath the depths of Manasseh, the Head of Joseph!

    Thank you Father, as we wait patiently for Your perfect timing of Your great miracle!! I pray this all in your Powerful and Almighty Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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