John Brown’s letter to Shareholders – February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013

Dear Zion Shareholders,

When I began this ‘Journey of Faith’ 32 years ago, what I didn’t expect was that it would take this long to find the oil nor did I ever expect that we as shareholders would ever see the day that our shares would go as low as they have recently. However, I want you all to know that we have all tried very hard to find the oil when and the way that we all wanted it to but it hasn’t happened. However, let me reassure you all that we do care about every one of you who have invested your hard earned money in Zion. Personally, I still intend to move forward and to concentrate on fulfilling the scripture and the Vision that I believe God has given me and to see this through until I see the oil flowing (2 Kings Chapter 7) but what I can’t do is to ask you all to continue to believe in something that you can’t or won’t wait for, to happen.

The first 15 years of my ‘Journey of Faith’ was all paid for by me and a few others who believed in the scriptures (there were no salaries or expenses that I didn’t pay out of my own pocket) and I never wanted to take Zion public because I didn’t want to ask others to invest in Zion. My son Mark and I were required in April 2004 by the Government of Israel, to guarantee a loan of up to $2,000,000 to Zion in order to receive our first license in Israel. The primary reason was that if we owned most of the company then I would give most of the money to charities. However, God had a different plan for Zion and that was to take Zion public, which I did (Isaiah 23: 18 NIV).

In conclusion, I’m not trying to impress you about my sacrifices or investment but I am asking you to be patient as we move forward but it’s really not fair for anyone to accuse Zion of not caring about you or your investment because we all do care but we can’t make it happen any faster than God allows. I have asked God for clear direction and I do believe that He gave me (1 Samuel Chapter 30) to read and specifically verses 6-8. So, by faith I am moving ahead in Israel, “…because we will pursue; overtake and without fail recover all” and to me I believe this to mean that we will eventually recover all of our investments… (verses 18-31). When I read (Genesis 12: 2, 3) I just do not see how it’s possible that God will not bless us after we have invested 130 million dollars in Israel.


John Brown
Chairman & Founder
Zion Oil & Gas, Inc.