Holocaust Remembrance Day 2014

From John Brown’s vision book…

The Holocaust is a part of the Historical Anti-Semitism

This hatred toward the Jews has been manifested time and again throughout the ages. To name only a sampling, there have been the crusades, the inquisition, and the pogroms.

In the last century, we have seen the Holocaust, as well as the humiliation of, and later reneging on, numerous peace agreements regarding the Land of Promise. Since the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, there have been many wars and many more attacks of terror.

Most recently, there has been the Gulf War with scud missiles, threatening chemical mayhem. Then there continues to be, the forced pressure of “peace” negotiations and calls of “land for peace” – despite the fact that Israel is the only nation on Earth that was created by a sovereign act of God and whose borders are clearly defined by God.