How is oil formed? Part 1


In order for you to understand where oil came, how it accumulated in one place, and how to look for it, it is necessary to realize how very, very old this earth is (or seems to us) and how many physical changes have taken place. We know that oil is not found in underground pools or rivers underground. So, how is oil formed?

Sure, we do not exactly how old the earth is, but geologists understand that it is at least around 5 billion years old because they’ve found rocks that are that old. There is a scientific method of dating rocks and fossils that measures radioactive decay of the material being studied. Basically it measures the number of radioactive particles given from a substance during a certain length of time. This method of telling the age of rocks and fossils is the working method by geologists to try to determine an accurate record of age.

Some may dispute the accuracy of this method, but it is used by geologists to help determine where to find oil.

How long is 5 billion years?

It is probably difficult for you to comprehend how long 5 billion years is, but here is an example that will help you understand but also stagger your imagination:

Condense 5 billion years into one year – from January to December. If the earth were created on January 1, when do you think humankind was created? October? No. November? Not even close. Humans were created during the last day of the year, during the last hour of the day, during the last minute of the hour, during the last 30 seconds of that very last minute!

Hold on! What about God? The Bible?

You may be asking that question at this point. We at Zion Oil & Gas believe in the Bible and it’s guidance on how to find oil. We also employ the geologists that have experience and success in finding oil using the best that science has available.

At this point, you can rest assured that even though we may understand very little about our universe, this method of finding oil is the best option we have at the moment. And, these methods have worked around the world.

Next, we will discuss “geologic past”.

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4